De lo que llene mi Ser, así se llenará mi Universo.

De lo que llene mi Ser, así se llenará mi Universo.
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lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Perú: darán acceso a energía solar gratis a 2 millones de habitantes para el año 2016: / On global warming, new animals and plants move toward the Arctic:

Perú: darán acceso a energía solar gratis a 2 millones de habitantes para el año 2016

Perú, un país que donde solo el 66% de la población tiene acceso a la red eléctrica, proporcionará electricidad gratuita a  más de 2 millones de sus habitantes más pobres antes del 2016.
“El Programa Nacional de Electrificación Fotovoltaica de Hogares” comenzó el 8 de julio, cuando se instalaron 1.601 paneles solares en la provincia Contumazá, según informó Estos paneles, que forman parte de la primera fase del programa, alimentan ya a 126 comunidades de bajos recursos.
Según el ministro de Energía y Minería, Jorge Merino, este programa permitirá que 95 por ciento de Perú tenga acceso a la electricidad a finales de 2016, mediante la instalación de 12.500 sistemas fotovoltaicos, que darán energía a aproximadamente  500.000 hogares. Este programa tendrá un costo estimado de 200 millones de dólares.
“Este programa está dirigido a las personas más pobres”, asegura Merino, “los que no tienen acceso a la luz eléctrica y todavía utilizan lámparas de aceite, gastando sus propios recursos para pagar por los combustibles que dañan su salud.”

On global warming, new animals and plants move toward the Arctic

"We have found less ice and , consequently, more birds , plants, fungi and mosquitoes before. In addition , we have encountered previously unseen whales under such northern latitudes of the planet. "

The Russian scientific expedition , which included experts in botany, zoology and oceanography, concluded that due to the reduction of the surface of the ice as it melts earlier and earlier , "the conditions for animal life and plant are now more benign " in the Barents sea region .

"What we do not know is whether the presence in the Arctic fauna and flora to these latitudes unknown is due to global warming already known temporary or more lasting climate change."

In particular , Gavrilo has met with four species of rare birds for the archipelago - Sabine gulls , great skua skua or the long-tailed sea duck and various sandpipers , plus three new kinds of mosquitoes and fin whales .

" They are southern whales. The warm water currents heading north and whales simply follow the organisms from which they feed. But we must recognize that these animals are a good indicator , since they are at the top of the food pyramid . "

According Gavrilo , no doubt reducing Arctic ice cap during the last 10-20 years is an "anomaly" .

" Certain types of gulls and polar bears are the ones who suffer most from the increasingly premature melting. Specifically , the bears are bad hunters on land . "

However, the Russian zoologist is a firm believer in the cyclical theory of climate change and remember that some scientists now predict a cooling of the planet soon in view of the ongoing processes in the sun.

"It was hotter than now periods and did not occur any catastrophe. Some believe that the climate is changing due to human activity and the damage is irreversible. I, however , think that nature is still stronger than humans. We are not facing an eternal warming. "

Yes, in their view, the greatest threat to nature is aggressive commercial ambition of man and his desire to access uninhabited lands like the Arctic.

" The ice gives way, and this new land appear draws man . The danger man's access to the continental shelves , drilling for oil and overfishing . "

Gavrilo believes that "no matter what they say , there is no sure way to extract hydrocarbons," so " until the technology appears, a moratorium should be imposed throughout the Arctic."

"I'm optimistic by nature, but I have no illusions . The Arctic is not as Antarctica, which is owned by the international community. The sovereignty of the disputed Arctic countries. That is, depends on the willingness of governments . "

Therefore precludes access to the region of powers that are not adjacent to the region such as India and China , which lately seems very interested in the area.

"The Arctic and Antarctica are like Soviet scientists , cooking the climate of the Earth said . So , protect its natural wealth thinking about future generations and educate people on the importance of ecological values. "

As part of this informative policy , Gavrilo stands for Arctic tourism, aware that , due to difficult access and high cost , will never be massive.

"In the last two or three years we have received hundreds of cruise tourists who stayed for about two weeks . It is also a way to raise awareness . The remaining 10 % are extreme tourism expeditions , but they are the exception. "

The Russian expedition to the archipelago , under Soviet and Russian flag now for less than a century , has allowed a more detailed plot map of the territory , almost 200 islands and is home to a dangerous " industrial wasteland " with hundreds of thousands of tonnes of oil abandoned after the fall of the USSR in 1991 .

Libre Consciente.


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